Friday, February 6, 2004

Friday, February 6th, 2004

 I took this from young's lj. im bored,home alone, and i guess doing gay sh*t like these things go hand in hand with having an lj so HERE WE GO...

name: Jason
birthdate: 3 - 3 - 85
birthplace: Stoughton (i think)
current location: Norton
hair color/eye color: i have like dirty blond brown hair i think, and i think i have green eyes?
height: around 6" maybe less maybe more i dont know but around there
boyfriend/girlfriend?: duckfriend
siblings?: xEricx
living arrangements: at my dad's in norton with my step mom and occasionally my brother.

[ <> * % # CURRENTLY <> * % # ]

date: Feb. 6th 2004
time: 11:03
clothing: Ha, boxers...that's it
hair: Pos-Top (even though the braindead f*ckin IDIOT cut my hair so it looks more like a military crew cut, its grown out to look more like a pos-top at this point)
nail polish?: no
listening to: Chain Of Strength
on tv: i dont know what's on right now, but AFI's Silver And Cold was the last thing i saw this morning.(which i still think is weird seeing them on MTV...)
talking to: No one
# of people on buddylist: 68 ( i actually talk to maybe 25 of them )
cd in player: Chain Of Strength - The One Thing That Still Holds True
people in your house: just me
makeup: no

[ <> * % # LAST... <> * % # ]

person you talked to: my dad
instant message from:Mike
hugged: Duck
kissed: Duck
who asked you out: hmm that's a tough one,the last person that ASKED ME OUT...dont wanna talk about it
who you rejected: see above
who you asked out: Duck 
who rejected you: ...
you liked: Duck
who liked you: Duck
thing you said: Singing along to Chain
who you im'd: Mike
ate: MetRX(XX) protein plus bar, 
drank: 2 carnation instant breakfasts, and a 3rd glass of just milk.
showered: yesterday morning (and am going to after i do this
cried: can't remember
laughed: can't remember probably yesterday at al for doing something funny
was sarcastic: probably yesterday
was happy: today
was angry: today
song listened to: True Till Death (Chain Of Strength)
thing purchased: Embrace Today - Soldiers, Chain Of Strength - The One Thing That Still Holds True, Slapshot - Digital Warfare,Coldplay - Rush of blood to the head(not sure about the title on that one, it was for my step mom), and a birthday card for her
store you went to: newbury comics and some card store
thing you cooked: pizza last night
thing you broke: Xi dont know but it certainly wasn't my edgeX
thing you turned: turned??? turned on??? maybe the tv i dont know,
candy consumed: can't remember
tv program watched: MTV videos
vacation taken: man now that i think of it havent had a vacation since my stomach surgery and i COULDNT work...and even before that probably not since the summer after 10th grade JESUS CHRIST, i should take a vacation
book you read: i dont really read alot of books, probably the cd insert of some straight edge band i listen to
rude comment made: i dont know i try not to be rude i cant really remember...
person you yelled at: probably the duck(sorry)
compliment made: duck
person you called: i think it was mike
last person who called you: my dad

[ <> * % # FAVORiTES <> * % # ]

color: green
food: pizza,spaghetti,salad, protein bars(they actually start tasting good after a while),potatoes, and theres more stuff i eat
junk food: i dont know anything
ice cream flavor: vanilla 
restaurant: town spa and bertucci's (tie)
fast food restaurant: same
pizza topping: nothing
place to order pizza from: see above
cuisine: i dont know
candy: i dont know
gum: i hate gum
beverage: soda
soda: (Caffeine Free)Coca ~ Cola
fruit: oranges
vegetable: lettuce, cucumbers tomatoes, carrots, peppers, i dont know theres so many
animal: little kitties
holiday: halloween
season: summer (it would be Fall,but the quick coming of winter before falls even halfway over kind of ruins it).
time of day: the minute i wake up
day of week: Thursday
time of the year: right around when summer meets fall
place to be: with the duck, or at a show, or sometimes both
vacation spot: i dont go on vacations
state: MA
city: boston has some cool shows but i like stoughton just cus i grew up there 
weather type: sunny, bright, no rain or precipitation of any kind, just clear skys and about 80 degrees.
book:i dont know
type of music: Punk/Hardcore(edge) stuff(Oi Too)
cd: right now , Chain Of Strength Discography(TOTTSHT)
song: True Till Death or Too Deep Until Now
band: Possibly the Gorilla Biscuits but of ALL TIME is of course...The Misfits
singer: CIV...and of all time Glenn Danzig
radio station: WLOK
type of movie: Music movies
movie: TYF video or fight club i dont know
actor/actress: i dont know
tv channel: Comedy Central
tv series: Family Guy
tv character:Peter Griffin
store: GAP, Newbury Comics, Hot Topic, Interpunk, RevHQ(Even though they rip me off and ive never actually received anything ive purchased,actually im not sure if its my fault or not so the blame isnt on anyone)
thing to spend $ on: cds shows shirts, stuff at the gap,
item of clothing: i dont know, probably my new shirts when they come in the mail
accessory: My 1987 X-Rated Swatch watch(which by the way cost me $130 and is still going up in price) no straight edge kid is complete without one.haha
clothing brand: Gap, Champion,Dickies
shoe brand: Adidas, Saucony, Nike, DC, Converse. 
shopping website:Interpunk
bath n body work scent: i dont know
hair style: POS-TOP (and devil lock,but im allergic to hair dye)
shampoo: i dont know
conditioner: i dont know
nail color: i dont know
wall color: white
room decoration: posters and pictures
computer brand: Gateway
instant messaging program: AIM 
computer game: i dont play computer games
video game: i dont play video games
thing to do: hang out with Julia,hang out at Al's,sit around and listen to music,eat pizza,sing,play guitar,record, go online...i think thats it.
craft: i dont know
subject: i graduated
school activity: i graduated

[ <> * % # THiS OR THAT <> * % # ]

burger king or mcdonalds: vEDGEtarian
fried or baked foods:i dont know
summer or winter: summer
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
peanut butter or jelly: peanut butter
coke or pepsi: Coca~Cola
vanilla coke or cherry: Vanilla i guess, if i HAD to chose one
mello yello or mountain dew: mountain dew , again, if i HAD to choose one
7up or sprite: Sprite
mr. pibb or dr. pepper: NEITHER never, i hate that crap
ice or no (in drinks): ice is good
screw on lid or tab: screw on lid
aluminum or plastic (soft drink containers): aluminum ( if they only made aluminium things with screw on covers)
paper or plastic (grocery store bags):plastic because i used to work at a grocery store and i wanted to kill people when they asked for paper.
pancake or waffle: pancake
apple or orange: orange
cappacino or coffee: i dont drink either
hot dog or hamburger:vEDGEtarian
sweet or sour: sweet i guess
travel by car or plane: car
front seat or back: front
window seat or isle: window
2 door or 4 door car: 4
van or suv: van
police or firestation: WHAT?
pencil or pen: pen
blue or black ink:black 
holly wood video or block buster: block buster
silk or cotton: cotton
silver or gold: i dont care
long sleeve or short: short
long or short hair: Short on me , long on girls
curly or straight hair: straight
dog or cat:cat 
shower or bath: shower 
pink or red: red
black or white: white 
hot or cold: hot
gap or old navy: Gap 
beach or pool: pool (because you dont have to be stuck in you POOL for 4 hours, you can just go inside.)
tv or computer: computer
vhs or dvd: dvd
cd or cassette: this is a tough one, cds are clearly better sounding, and you can skip songs, but tapes are cool cus theyre old school. but i like cds better.tapes are cool as long as theres CD VERSIONS OF THEM ***Cough Cough*** Lockin' Out ***Cough Cough***

[ <> * % # QUESTiONS <> * % # ]

1. what is your favorite possession and why?: My Car because i can hold all my realy favorite possesions like my cds , guitar, etc, inside it. and it could act as a home if it came down to it, and it gets me where i want no matter how far away.
2. if you had only one thing to take to a desert island what would it be? well thers no electricity there so that rules out cds and stuff like guitar.
3. if you had to be in a room alone with someone for 72 hours who would it be? Julia
4.if you had to live in one city for the rest of your life what would it be? Stoughton
5. if you got to take a vacation tomorrow to anywhere you'd like where would you go? i dont know,haha, i have no idea i dont even think about vacations.
6. if you had to wear a certain shirt for a whole year which shirt of yours would it be? My Misfits shirt with the skull on it.(preferably a brand new one)
7. if i gave you $10,000 to spend at only one store which store would it be? probably a tattoo parlor, and i would get covered.
8. if you had to listen to one cd for a whole week long which cd would it be? i actually DO this very often haha, so its not that hard of a decision, its whatever im the most siked about at the moment.

well OH BOY wasn't that fun...i wish i had a full time job, my job sucks so bad they treat me like crap and its not even good pay and they wont give me full time and the hours are horrible and i have to work EVERY weekend, my only 2 days off are tuesdays and thursdays...STUPID.....i need a full time job SO BAD...well like i always do, im trying to look at the positive side of least a band is in the works and i really like the music and everyone involved is actually into it, and im the singer. well im gonna go take a shower now.

ill probably update this later, i think theres something im supposed to do after i get out of work today but i cant remember...if you know leave a comment and remind me. ill probably update this later today anyway because i have no life

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