Thursday, February 5, 2004

Thursday, February 5th, 2004

well, last night i had the practice which just ended up being a jam session of a bunch of cover songs of different bands, and my dad called and said the part is postpond sleeve just yet...well yeah mike and kerri broke up,and i'm in a new band, its old school, its hardcore, its melodic...and i just might be the singer...i hope to GOD this happens cus i really need a band bad...its all i want to do in life...yeah.

im not really gonna hype this thing up until theres a demo out because it seems i get everything so hyped up in my head that it just falls apart for some reason. yeah but im really looking forward to this,theres already 1 song recorded. 

i just want to be happy, i cant stand not being in a band because music is pretty much my only big interest. i would like to sing in a band more than ANYTHING, but i dont know if ill end up doing that, i'd be content just playing guitar i guess. its better than nothing. i dont know. sometimes i get really happy about things, and then 2 seconds later ill be really depressed. its strange i dont know. 

well ANYWAY, today i picked julia up at school and we went back to my dads for a bit. we had pizza then we went to work. work sucked. never appreciated there. i told my boss i CAN work valentines day now. and now after that i just remembered julia took the day off and now im not sure if i can get the day off AGAIN. F*CK. i hope this doesnt turn into a big problem...i have the day off tommorow, and its my favorite day off the week (Thursday) for many reasons... :)

yeah well that's it,enough pointless babbling for now... time to go to sleep.

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