Friday, June 27, 2008

Jun. 27th, 2008

I finally finished recording vocals today. I'm so glad that's over with, but at the same time I can't wait to write new songs already and look forward to a new record. This is how I felt when we recorded our EP too. This will probably be a reoccurring thing that will go along with the completion of every record we do.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately: I don't think I'll ever be happy with the stage I'm at with songwriting. I will like songs we write, I will probably always tell myself that I will eventually do better. I feel as if writing music is something that is never fully mastered. It's all about personal improvement and learning. I still feel like I'm learning how to write songs. If you get to the point where you think everything you do is great, then that's when you start to pump out soulless garbage. I will always be critical of everything I do.

Also, art is not a contest. I see so many bands and even fans of music really going out of their way to let everyone else know that they are well read/intellectual/deep/artistic/interesting people. Art is about personal expression...PERIOD. If you can find a beautiful way to truly express yourself, then you have created art. It's not about showing other people the art, it is nice when other people appreciate the art, or can relate to it, but when it all comes down to it, if you are doing it for anyone else but yourself, then you are dead inside.

The Smashing Pumpkins embody everything I would like my band to become. They have so many different style songs that no new material would really make anyone go "Wait, THIS is the smashing pumpkins???? this isn't right" They have songs where it's just Billy on guitar and vocals, songs like Disarm, aggressive songs like JellyBelly, Bullet with Butterfly wings, songs like Ava Adore using solely synthetic beats, Songs like tonight tonight, songs like The Everlasting Gaze that are down tuned, brutal songs.
That's just my ultimate goal is to always be pushing the band in different directions and always be reinventing our sound so that anyone that knows us will never say "HUH????" to anything we do, yet at the same time having it still sound like "Us". So that the natural progression actually becomes a part of "our sound".

I'm rambling, well it's not like anyone's really reading this anyways because Blogs are where it's at nowadays as far as, typing your thoughts down so that people can publicly read them in a journal-like fashion goes....

It's like 5:30 am, I have a show tonight, I should sleep.

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