Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday, June 14th, 2021




 On August 21st, 2020, I was asked if ENERGY would like to be part of an upcoming SAMHAIN tribute album. I was not doing very well at the time, but I said yes because I have always sworn to myself that I will go above and beyond when it comes to honoring anything and everything Glenn Danzig. 

I probably would have chosen "Unholy Passion" (which oddly enough, no one chose) or something, but I knew that in order to get Mike (Rendini) excited about working on this with me, I would have to do "Archangel" because I know he loves that song. Simply being a part of this record was good enough for me.


I was 12 years old when Static Age / American Psycho were finally released, and that's where my obsession began. A friend in gym class who wore hardcore and punk band t-shirts told me to go out and pick up "Legacy Of Brutality" so I did. 

After being excited by the artwork, and intrigued by the layout in general, I put the disc in only to hear what I found to be the worst sounding musical recording I had ever heard in my life. 

I had never heard anything like it. It sounded like it was recorded by someone at the top of the stairs of the basement that they were playing in. Everything had so much reverb that it was disorienting, and the songs all had the same sound. I didn't understand it.

There was most certainly an X factor about this band that had really piqued my interest though, and I was wondering why they were regarded as being so great. I listened over and over trying to understand, and finally when "Halloween" came on for the 3rd (4th, 5th?) time, something came over me and I remember admitting to myself in that very moment that this was the greatest music I had ever heard.


Fast forward to March where I was moving, my apartment flooded, and my life was in complete disarray, and the person who contacted me about the SAMHAIN tribute record was looking to start collecting the files from all the bands. I hadn't even begun work on the song whatsoever. 

On April 21st, 2021 I received drum and bass tracks from Mike. Once I had those, I just started making the song come to life. I had never tracked all by myself before, so it was definitely a different experience.

I've grown accustomed to everyone else using all the gear while I just walk in, direct things, do my parts, and leave. This was just me alone in a room. I'm not going to get into the technical aspects of the recording process (unless you want to ask me privately), but I am astonished at just how easy it is to record yourself these days.

Hearing this mastered recording of my voice and distorted guitars playing over loud drums has definitely reignited a passion in me to start recording and putting out music again.

This really is only being pressed one time, so order a copy within the next month if you want it on vinyl:


It's already up on my Patreon for $5 patrons and up:

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