Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday November 27 2007 10:58 am

I took today off from work because I feel like absolute shit. Canada got me sick because it was so cold. So not only am I pissed that I spent a possible 3 or 4 days off from work freezing my ass off in Canada while driving UNNECESSARY distances between shows(one of which had 10 kids at, and another we didn't even get paid enough to fill our gas tank once), I now have a TERRIBLE head cold, that makes me talk the way a nasally pop punk singer does. Can't breathe out of either nostril, and I'm congested as hell...

I talked to Jen(my employer) today and she asked if I was coming in tomorrow I said "most likely", so at least I still have my job. I really need to keep it for Christmas gifts and stuff. Last night I got my Dad a gift card for Circuit City, that's what he asked for. I just think he thinks he can't buy cds anywhere else because, they aren't that cheap there.

I can't wait for Christmas money from my parents(and grandmother?) ALL of it is going towards finishing my right arm. Finally I won't be so lopsided and uneven.

My hair is getting LONG, I can't believe I never just waited it out and grew out my hair before. I always want instant satisfaction. I just can't wait until the front is a few inches below my jaw line, then I shall have it all cut to one length... =)

Next on my list is pants

I only have one pair of pants.

I'm thinking girls pants/jeans because well, it seems like all clothes that are meant for boys fit horribly. Anytime I get something that I think fits amazing, I constantly get asked "is that a girls shirt? are those girls pants? is that a girls jacket? is that a girls sweatshirt?" Hmmm I think I'm going to put 2 and 2 together here and just get girl stuff because clearly that's what I'm into.

Just found these online:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'll probably be picking up a pair of those(minus those RIDICULOUS boots) whenever I get the money.

Oh yeah and I also found this which is pretty funny:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am in a pretty good mood considering how shitty I feel.

We are recording with Chris Curran this weekend(unless this is some elaborate joke being played on me by Joe) I'm pretty sure we're recording our new Intro that I am very proud to boast that I wrote(even if it really is just one riff kind of), A song called "The Satellite And The Hit", and I think one more. I don't have finished lyrics or melodies for any 1 song but this is what pre-production is all about, we'll get the music recorded, some vocals(hopefully all for TSATH by the weekend), and slowly work away at them, it's basically a part of the writing process. I'm not even the slightest bit worried about being pressed for time either because I always write my favorite stuff when pressed for time. As long as the music is recorded for the songs, I can always just go back(by myself if necessary, but preferably with Joe(and of course Chris)) and do more vocals.  

I already know I'm going to be so happy with our new cd. Like I've said before, I like the old songs for what they are, but this is the style of music I always knew I'd end up playing, dark, sad, moody etc... =) and plus, with our new label(which by the way I was informed last night that they will announce us Mid December!) our new cd will be in Hot Topics, Newbury Comics, and judging by the fact that I've seen their newest releases at stores like Best Buy, it will be there as well. I was told that I can't say what label it is, even though I'm pretty sure everyone knows, but the disclaimer I was told to use was "we are talking with Revelation, Bridge Nine, and Eulogy, we just haven't signed anything." so yeah, we are talking with Revelation, Bridge Nine, and Eulogy, we just haven't signed anything. Haha. I hate secretive stuff believe me, I am always the first person to let a secret out of the bag, I don't feel cool in the least having me be the only person that knows something,or being part of an elite group that knows something that most people don't, it's way cooler to just tell people. And even in the few instances that I am FORCED to keep a secret, it's usually pretty easy to read me and get the secret out. I'm like Elaine from Seinfeld except there's no real combination to the vault, you can just kind of peek through a crack in the side and see what's inside.

My hair is almost long enough to put up into a bun!!! =)

Shower time.

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