Thursday, May 8, 2008

May. 8th, 2008

I am only months away from being away from home longer than I'd ever want to be, but I am spending each night that I'm gone doing exactly what I want to be doing. Doesn't sound like it makes any sense does it. I've got like 3 songs to write (roughly, melodies for one song are done just have to do lyrics, and got chorus melodies for the other 2) I won't be actually tracking my vocals for a while so I have time, but I try and jot down ideas every night. Our record is going to sound so good. Justin is playing the drums and recording at Q-Division Studios (In the big room for the price of the small room, so I'm told) so it will sound incredible, Joe and Conor play flawlessly in the studio, and Mike Rendini will be making me not sound like a total dumbass. That's all I can ask. Then we go on a real tour with promised money each night, and promised food money each night, with popular bands headlining. 

I have to go to practice I'll edit this later.

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