Stayed up and watched the ball drop with PiX last night. We kept it more casual than last year. We didn't bother to dress up much or take photos. A lot of it was just me wanting to keep up with traditions that I enjoy upholding.
So far tonight I've spun two records. Circle Jerks "Wild in the Streets" and Bad Religion "How Could Hell Be Any Worse?" Two early 80's records from the California hardcore scene. I might listen to some Dead Kennedys / Black Flag to round out the night. I might even throw on some Minor Threat even though they were from Washington D.C. It just feels right. I'm clearly attempting to harness a specific mood, and that mood is me being 15-16 years old.
An hour or two ago I was in more of a death / goth rock mood, but I realized that I don't have much of that genre aside from the two obvious choices: Joy Division and The Cure. Not that there's anything wrong with either of those bands, I was just hoping for more of a Christian Death / Bauhaus mood. This makes me realize that I need more 80's goth records.
I did take a nap earlier in the day where the new Cure album "Songs From a Lost World" played on repeat a couple of times before I woke up. I'm not sure if that counts...
I'm glad that I finally have my new record shelf setup in the room. My turntable had been set up on this horrible stand with wheels out in the clothing room with the speakers way, way back against the wall. I don't think I even listened to five records the entire time it was out there, which was about six months or so. I was getting really bummed out about it so again, I'm really glad I have this new shelf. It has room on the top for my turntable, a shelf underneath where I keep music related books (especially photography books), and a shelf underneath for records themselves. I'd like to think of that last shelf as a "frequent listening" shelf. Right now it only has "Pet Sounds" by The Beach Boys, and "Famous Monsters" by The Misfits on it. Famous Monsters because I have two identical copies, and it's one of my favorite albums of all time. Pet Sounds for a handful of reasons. One being the fact that it's one of the greatest albums of all time. Another being that I have two copies of it as well. However, this copy is the mono version while the one still on my main record shelf is the stereo mix. I think it's considered essential listening to the point where it makes sense to leave it in the "frequent listening" section of my collection. I might expand it to include some all time greats that I might not listen to as often.
I felt discontent today. I still do to a degree. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like it has something to do with the fact that I didn't really do all that much today. Perhaps I thought I would have done more with my day today than I did. It's not the end of the world. After all, it is New Years Day. A lot of people were probably taking it easy as well. I was in the mood to go-go-go though.
I put on "Plastic Surgery Disasters" by Dead Kennedys a few minutes ago.
Tomorrow I would like to pick up a shipping label that I had sent over to Staples to have printed off and possibly mail out my camera. I bought this camera in hopes of picking up photography again, but the sensor had a handful of dead pixels, so I have to return it. Shortly after receiving it in the mail and discovering the problem, my car battery died on Christmas Eve. That's going to set me back at least $200, so I've decided against getting a new camera for now. Money sucks.
I'd like to get a lot done tomorrow, but we'll see what happens. I plan on getting the car battery situation taken care of at least.
Anyway, I just wanted to check in with myself for a bit because I don't do it too often and PiX has a fold out table set up under the computer desk like one of those keyboard holding shelves that a lot of computer tables have. I really need a new computer table as well. I need / want a lot of things.
Time to enjoy the records that I plan on spinning for the remainder of the evening instead of having them play in the background of this blog entry.
"Forest Fire" just started playing.
Until next time...Talk Hard.
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