Sunday, January 5, 2020


‪I just want this to stop. My back hurts so bad. I can’t wait until it’s better so I can start getting back into shape because the pain is wearing me down more and more each day. ‬

Every day for the past week or two, I’ve been having to take a nap simply because I can’t keep being awake. The pain is too much, so I lay down and pass out for a few hours. Needless to say, this is throwing off my sleeping pattern a bit. 

I have always had a bad back. I was born with scoliosis and have developed degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my neck / spine in general. My lower back was never an issue though until December of 2013 when I helped Conor put the seats to the old Energy tour van back in. Something pulled and I’ve been trying to figure it out since. 

Last night Tiffany and I worked on my “Best music of 2019” video for my channel. I’ve gotta hand it to her, she did something that’s very difficult to do, and that’s call me on my laziness when need be. 

I had been procrastinating doing any work because I had just become so comfortable to the point where I just wasn’t pushing myself. She basically walked into my room and asked why I hadn’t been making any videos. I didn’t have a good answer for her, but instead of getting defensive about it, I swallowed my pride and admitted that she was right. 

I had already compiled my list a while ago, and I had intended to make this video before the end of the year, but I gave up once it got too close to the new year. I wasn’t thinking about my own record keeping and documentation. That’s a big reason why I like making videos and blog entries. Ten years from now I’ll be able to look back and remember exactly how this period of my life was, and what music I was into at the time. 

It’s 10:48am right now and Tiffany is asleep. I’m pretty sure she was up fairly late, so I usually try not to be too loud in the mornings. I’ve always enjoyed alone time and solitude. There’s something so peaceful about just being alone with some music. 

I think I’m going to go enjoy that now.


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