Monday, April 2, 2007

Apr. 2nd, 2007 at 7:04 PM (Got this from Eric)

"I was raised eating meat. It's customary, humans have been doing it for years, and I need my protein."

- Carnivore

Dear "Carnivore":

I was raised eating animals as well. I gave it up after 14 years, and gave up eggs and dairy after 16 years. It really is not that difficult. I would estimate that 90% of people who are veggie and vegan were not raised that way. If those millions of people can do it so can you. 

All the protein in meat comes from plants and is stored, along with a lot of cholesterol and saturated fat, in the meat. Elephants, race horses, and elk all eat only plants and they are among the largest and strongest land animals. Humans, like other vegetarian animals, have primarily flat teeth and we have grinding jaws that move side to side. Protein is not an issue for ANY vegan; I have never heard of anyone not getting enough protein. Most non-vegans get 2 to 4 times the protein their bodies need or should have. Excess protein causes calcium loss. Many cases of osteoporosis in older humans may not be from a lack of calcium but rather from an excess of protein.

Protein is available in large quantities in anything made from grains [wheat, rice, corn, oats, etc – breads, pastas, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, etc] beans [including soy and soy products like tofu and all the varieties of fake soy based meats, hummus and other middle eastern dishes, etc], legumes and nuts [including nut butters], and seeds. For more info please read the Protein Myth flier or our page. Look for the hyperlink that says "The Protein Myth."

As for custom, that simply is never a justifiable excuse for anything. All the forms of abuse and enslavement that we have overcome in human history were justified by saying they were customary, and we have realized that they were wrong. Just because we have been doing something wrong for X number of years is not a reason to continue doing it. In fact, realizing that something is wrong and that we have been doing it wrong is a very strong incentive to change, as soon as possible. 

There is another reason to go 100% vegan. That reason is the idea that animals are here for us to use. As long as the idea persists that non-human animals are commodities we will not achieve animal liberation.

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."


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