Friday, January 25, 2008

Jan. 25th, 2008

Well it's around when I stopped posting yesterday. I won't make this too long.

Josh and Eric are sleeping over tonight for the show....tomorrow? tonight? whatever. Should be....interesting, it's at a high school. kind of weird.

Jere came over early today(1:30ish) woke me up, but I didn't mind. He hung out for a while then went to some thing. Hope he makes it to the show tomorrow.

Went food shopping with Julia when she got home from work, got lots of good stuff =) She's the best. Seriously I would just be a loser bum idiot without her supporting me. Well I guess since she is supporting ME, that makes me a loser bum idiot anyways....but you know what I mean. We've been together now for so long I can't imagine life without her. I don't usually like to talk about this kind of stuff usually I've just become uncomfortable with it through the years, but I'm tired so that's probably why I am. Who the hell else would put up with my nonsense? I still feel the same happiness I felt when we first started going out every time I see her. Hopefully money isn't too tight and it doesn't ruin our little vacation thing we had planned. I really should get a job to help out (at least pull my own weight) I'll probably get on that next week. We don't spend enough time with each other. Between her 2 jobs and my shows and stuff, I barely EVER see her, and when I do there's always people around and like I always say, the more people around, the less comfortable everyone is. Eh whatever, hopefully all this shit ends soon. I love you Julia

I really need to stop staying up this late. (for constructive reasons not cus I don't like it, cus I think it's awesome)


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