Monday, January 7, 2008

Jan. 7th, 2008

Hmmm, where do I start

I got tattooed 2 times in the last few weeks(one more time any day now) pretty happy about that.

I'm thinking of getting my hair cut....just the dead/split ends, maybe cutting it short in the back, cus it's getting long and I'm eventually going for a "one-length" type of thing. This is a pretty close idea as to what I've been going for:



I got fired from my job, kind of a bummer, no more money coming in. I'll have to get one somewhere else. Although, this does afford me more time to write music for the new Energy cd that we're working on. Because with a job, nothing in my life gets accomplished at all.

We're doing 2 more instrumental songs with Chris Curran this Thursday, I can't wait. I always love hearing the songs come to life in the studio, I just wish I could write faster, but whatever, it'll all work out fine. I COULD write fast, if I wrote like every other shitty band these days and just accepted the first melody that came to my mind that was boring as hell. But I try to make every melody interesting(at least to me) and I'm always happy in the end. I could write music like all these soulless garbage "musicians" and just pump out lousy shit all the time, anyone that can control their voice enough to hit notes(anyone who's not TONE DEAF) can. But there's something that some people understand that others don't. Darkbuster - Gets it. The Descendants - Get it. AFI - Gets it. Just 3 bands off the top of my head out of many. Others don't...haha. And I can't say they won't get "big" either because the masses are stupid and accept what they're told to like.

Whatever, I'm going to stop myself there so I'm not rambling too much and I don't annoy myself.

Oh yeah

Yesterday was awesome, me and Julia went to Grasshopper and I had the best meal of my entire life, then we went and saw Sweeney Todd, def one of the best days I've had in a while =)

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