Friday, December 29, 2006

Dec. 29th, 2006 at 4:15 AM

I never go out unless I'm playing a show. I don't read as much as I'd like to. I don't workout nearly as much as I'd like to. I don't write music as much as I'd like to.

At the end of every single day I want to know that: 1. I got smarter than I was when the day started. 2. I got the proper exercise for the day. and 3. I wrote a peice of music I'm proud of, not even a whole song, maybe just a line or 2.

I just let the days pass on by, and soon I will be 30 and that scares me. I'm almost 22...IN EIGHT YEARS I AM GOING TO BE 30 YEARS OLD.

Tonight, Energy played the Hudson Roller Kingdom. Mikey D played with us. It was fun. He's one of the nicest/coolest people I think I've ever known. I hope our cd comes out soon. It's almost embarassing how long it's taking to come out. We have had all those songs written for like 6 months now. They are old news to us...but will be NEWS to everyone else. I guess that's good,and will keep us one step ahead of anyone that cares about us. But at the same time I feel like everyones saying "that's all you've got?" when, I know that ISN'T the best we can do, it's just a collection of the first 7 songs we wrote together. I don't know, I'm rambling.

I wish I wasn't allergic to hair dye. I wish my hair was just naturally black. I don't think it's bad that I care so much about the way I look. It's just a hobby pretty much. I know that personal appearance doesn't define someone, so knowing that I know that, makes me know that I'm not a bad person, I just really concentrate on how I look alot. That's the one thing I wish I could change about my personal appearance...natural black hair. Son Of A Bitch.

Julia had cookies and ice cream for me when I got home from the show. She's always thinking of me, and I'm always thinking of her :) She makes me genuinely happy. Even though I am very sad all the time, I am hardly ever sad when I'm with her. That makes me know that we belong together.

I took an IQ test and it said I was of "Superior Intellect"

I only took this test because everyone calls me stupid all the time and I know that I'm not.

What people say, even in a joking manner, gets to me way more than I let people realize. Even to this day I don't think people really like my band. I mean, clearly if they're singing along and having a good time they must right? I just can't help but think they're singing along cus they can't beleive how bad it is or something. Like the way my friends would sing along to a cover of an old song by some shitty local band or something, Or, like the Truman Show, where it's all a big joke on me, I don't really know how to describe what I'm trying to say. 

I don't know one person that I can talk to about my favorite bands.
Everyone I know likes bands I don't like. The only time I feel comfortable in a conversation with anyone, is when it's about music...and that's in the slim chance they're talking about a band I like. Hardcore Punk kids...are only into hardcore and punk...people into other stuff...dislike Hardcore Punk. Is it really that weird that I like mostly EVERYTHING? I probably listen to every style of music I like, pretty evenly. I just enjoy the fast raw emotion of hardcore punk.

This is getting long, I'm sorry, I'll end this

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