Friday, December 1, 2006

Dec. 1st, 2006 at 6:33 AM

Ahhh the sweet sounds of the best band to ever record music...

Most of this entry will probably consist of my ramblings of how the Misfits were and always will be the best band ever:

Glenn Danzig was a songwriting genius. catchiest, coolest, most badass songs ever written.

PLEASE check out and just read about them while listening to them, it's the best thing ever. Individual song meanings and all types of interesting trivia.

That's one thing that CAN'T love for the Misfits. I will always love this band for as long as I live. My band has covered over a dozen of their songs, My other band has recorded acoustic renditions of the bands songs, I have their Crimson Ghost logo tattooed on me...I will ALWAYS be able to put on a misfits record and know that I couldn't possibly be listening to anything better.

I'll never forget the time I finally saw Glenn Danzig(Who WAS the Misfits,and anyone who argues that is a fucking MORON)and Doyle play like 10 Misfits songs. That was easily the coolest thing that ever happened to me. I can always hope for a full on reunion, but I doubt it and wouldn't really feel cheated if it never happened...

Mocavious Kryst: Hey.


It's approaching 5 AM...

NO matter how many times this happens I always take a razor to sensitive areas and regret it a day or 2 later...when will I learn?

My wrist is aching terribly due to my excessive useage of my new computer, but I can't stop.

Tomorow Energy has a show in Kingston, we're headlining, so no one will be there.

I hope to spend as much time with the duck this weekend as I possibly can, because I don't see her very often. It's funny, I always tend to see the people I live with the least...

I'm always so hungry. It becomes very tiresome being jobless,vegan, and on a constant search for food. Josh bought me food the other night, and Dave last night. There's nothing that I appreciate more than when people buy me food. So please, don't hate me, for trying to get through as much of life as I possibly can without heading into a horrible job that pays horribly. If you are my friend, wouldn't you WANT me to keep as far away from work as possible? Because I know, that you know, just how horrible work is, and I sure don't want anyone I consider a friend to go through it anymore than they absolutley have to. So please, don't take your own frustrations regarding your own work life out on me just because I don't work, be happy for me, and encourage it...and buying me food is VERY encouraging... :)

This is fun.
Just typing away randomly about whatever I feel like typing away about.
Not speaking to anyone in particular, just whoever takes it upon themselves to read it in their spare time.
I will do this as often as I can.
I'm not annoying anyone because I'm not engaging in one on one conversation with them, worrying about whether or not they have any interest in anything I have to say.(which they probably don't, but that's fine by me)

I need a mousepad(which I beleive we're getting very soon at newbury comics, a mousepad of our common favorite cartoon "Family Guy").

I really enjoy all the cute little things couples do when living together like putting up christmas decorations, planning days together, re-arraging the living space to our liking. It's a wonderful thing, being in love. I recommend you try it sometime...

I'm finding it more comforting being alone, and/or staying home every day, which is a bad thing. I need to get out and experience things.

I'm tired of typing now so I'll stop.

'Til next time...

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