Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 25: 10-15-09 @ Paradise Lost - Chico, CA

Since Robert left the tour last night, there won't be nearly as many pictures in my updates.

The venue tonight was a video store that had a back room which was a porn store. The show itself was horrible. I could hear myself fine, and I actually thought that I did alright, but most of the place cleared out during our first song, and after that we didn't even get an applause. Generally when I feel that we aren't being well received I get a little irritated and start giving off somewhat of an attitude. This was no different. 

I don't remember exactly what I said, I just know that I was pissed. 25 days into a tour, 3 and a half years into the band, 4 full U.S. tours in a year...yeah I'm gonna get a little mad when the place clears out when we play, while mediocrity runs rampant and everyone eats it up. Whatever, no one even knows what they actually like anyway. After the show we drove overnight to Portland, Oregon and stayed with Keith's friend Ashley.

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