Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mar. 7th, 2007 at 4:50 AM: Home from tour...


Touring was cold and long, but it was a cool experience overall. I'm glad Joe and Dan are in the band. Now we can get to work on an album I can actually be proud of. Not that I'm not proud of the fact that I got my shit together enough to make a cd finally, but it's just going to be really nice when we have a 12 or 13 song full-length album of well written songs in the style of music I've wanted from the start. I didn't mind compromising the sound a little bit at first if it just meant I could finally be in a band, so I cooperated. I like almost all of our songs that we have, but I knew it wouldn't be the style I'd end up playing. I want to take my time with the vocals on this cd and make sure they're exactly what I want, same goes for the lyrics. We have parts of the music to a new song written and it blows away anything on our EP already. Joe knows exactly what I'm going for for this record. I tend to describe what I want musically in terms of feel, and I told Joe what I'm going for for this album and the first thing he wrote couldn't have been more dead on. Still fast, but very sad/dark chords. Go It Alone/AFI(Black Sails/Art Of Drowning)/Modern Life Is War-esque I guess, it's hard to describe. We'll record(demo) songs as we write them, so chances are you're my friend if you're reading this and I'll show you the new recordings as they come anyway, and you can decide for yourself if you like it or not and/or what they sound like.

This Friday is our "Homecoming/1 Year anniversary show. I hope all of our friends go and have a good time. We plan on doing allot of cover songs, which EVERYONE likes, if you don't like cover songs you're lying. We've been a band for one whole year now. I think back to the days where me and Conor would drive to Burton's house and meet up with Mikey D and Rob, and it seems so much longer ago than it actually is. I'm excited to play in Brockton again. I'm excited to just be home and see everything I'm used to seeing all the time. It's SO awesome. I'm already staying up all night and sleeping until late afternoon almost into the evening.

TT lives across the hall from me. Yep, you heard me, right across the hall. That means the entire bottom floor of 17 Bennett Drive is ours. So we basically have one big apartment. Obviously the non-edge kids will go over there to do their thing, but having my apt right across the hall creates a safe haven for the edge kids when TT's apt is filled with smoke. It's a pretty good equalizer.

I've realized while being on tour and playing every single night, that I NEED to stay in the best possible shape I can at all times. I get so winded trying to play as hard as I can and accurately hit notes. So that's why EVERY single day that I can, I'm going to the gym and working out like crazy. Today was my first day back from tour and me and Josh went and did chest and tris, and ended on some machine that gives you a full body cardio workout. I was soaked with sweat by the time we finished. It was awesome. It's like what Henry Rollins said once, I forget the exact quote, but it was something about how he couldn't understand how all these rockers write such good music but treat their bodies like shit, and wouldn't put their all into their live performances. He said that the music he makes is hard and intense and makes him want to move intensely on stage, and in order to do that, he needs to be in top physical condition all the time. After a few weeks I realized he couldn't have been more right. I would feel like 20 people just beat the living shit out of me, after every time we'd play. Towards the end it started getting a little bit better, but that was partially due to the fact that I was starting to take it easier on myself. I don't want to have to "take it easy on myself" I want to be able to beat the shit out of myself while playing every single night, and put on a good show. So it quickly came to my attention that that is my number one priority with all my spare time. Also, I noticed/realized that all my favorite singers (Rollins,Danzig,Havok) are in awesome shape. They lift weights, and train like crazy - Understandably. Not to mention the fact that I'd like to prove the vegan = skinny kid stereotype/myth to everyone that challenges it wrong.

I have practice tomorrow to tighten up the set for our show friday, and learn a few surprise covers too! (We don't even know what we're doing so feel free to comment with suggestions, I'd actually like that). After that we start work on the new record - I can't wait. March 17th we're playing in Lowell with Outbreak and Verse, that should be good, and 2 days later,on the 19th, we're playing at the Roxy in Boston with Comeback Kid,This Is Hell, and Ambitions.

This entry has been long enough, I'm going to go watch some TV now.

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